Investigating the Nature and Limitations of Sterilization in Iranian Legal System and International Documents

Original Article | Pages: 85 - 94
  • Zohreh Rahmani - Assistant Professor, Department of Public Law, Bandar Anzali Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandar Anzali, Iran []


Background: In today's world, in tandem with the swift progress of biotech-nology, observing the principles of bioethics has become an exigency. Medical knowledge has experienced a tremendous evolution by discoveries about human being and its organs which instantiates complex issues in law. Many legal sys-tems recognize voluntary sterilization as a common right of the individual. However, governments can limit this right if it conflicts with discipline or public interest.

Methods: In this descriptive analytical study, an attempt was made to evaluate the jurisprudential verdicts and opinions in sterilization besides examining the approach of Iranian legal system. The relevant international documents were reviewed in this study as well. 

Results: The findings show that the government as the ruling power and author-ity in implementing the country's policies can to some extent limit this right. Also, international documents do not explicitly recommend or prohibit steri-lization.

Conclusion: Regarding the act of sterilization, governments must guarantee the inherent dignity of the individuals and their free and informed decision-making. Ensuring autonomous decision-making, along with providing information in this area, as well as ensuring non-discrimination in the provision of high quality sterilization services without any violence, are among the principles governing the right to sterilization. In case that the harms of the act outweigh the benefits, sterilization is reckoned to be contrary to the principles of bioethics and is forbidden.


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Rahmani Z. Investigating the Nature and Limitations of Sterilization in Iranian Legal System and International Documents. Iran J Biomed Law Ethics. 2020;1(2):85-94.